Understanding all your options...
Web marketing encompasses much more than positioning your website at the top of search results. Although web search optimizing and search engine marketing are often used interchangeably - they represent slightly different processes and different mixes of keyword positioning, pay per click viewing ( PPC ), banner placement, website sponsorship, and various calls to action.
If we step back a bit from the process, we can identify seven parts to a standard web marketing strategy.
- search engine optimization
- This is certainly a big part of web marketing, though not all. By accurately selecting key words and phrases and legitimately incorporating them into the site content, keyword positioning provides search results that eventually result in page one search results for our target keywords and phrases - in an "organic" manner. By "organic" - we mean "not paid for."
- pay per click - PPC
- This website marketing tactic may or may not address high search placement as a result of website optimizing, but does get you on page one of search results. In this case, you are bidding for placement on page one of search results by paying a "bidded" amount of money to the search engines each time a search engine user clicks on your link.
- banner advertising
- This is probably the oldest of all web marketing tactics and is simply the placement of your linked graphic and message (the ad banner) in a position of prominence on a webpage that will, hopefully, be seen frequently by visitors who are part of your target market. If you are in a position to negotiate with a banner host, always try to get your banner on their Home page.
- directory portal registrations
- Many websites exist that are of special interest in their scope and depth of content. Some well known examples include Amazon.com, catering to the book reader/buyer, Realtor.com - addressing primarily the Real Estate professional… though with content for buyers and sellers as well, TheInteriorDesigner.com, a website dedicated to Interior Designers, suppliers to the trade, and high-end, pride of appearance homeowners seeking professional interior design assistance, home furnishings and décor, WebMD.com - an information site about all aspects of healthcare that educates and informs both the healthcare and the non healthcare professional.
- These Portals have acquired substantial recurring visitor traffic over the years and offer some form of listing registration to their target markets. In most cases, they perform very well for certain related search terms and phrases. Often, they also enjoy higher than normal Popularity Ratings (PR) or Popularity Rankings than "non portal" class websites. By being listed on, and linked to from, these sites, your website gains an opportunity for qualified "click through" traffic as well as a substantial boost to your search placement index rankings.
- Blogging & forums
- This tactic is labor intensive and is the cyber equivalent of attending networking meetings, like you would do at a Chamber of Commerce mixer or Rotary club event. Your 'bloggers' start a forum or joins one that is specific or ancillary - but certainly related to your line of business. They participate in the discussions - framing their comments, questions, and answers to include your target keywords and phrases… and then insert referring links back to your site where and when appropriate.
- reciprocal link partnerships
- This is part of the search engine optimization process that capitalizes on the PR ( Popularity Rating ) factor. Discussed in more detail under our link partners webpage, this mutual linking process builds the external link count of your website - thus resulting in higher search positioning or even top search results placement.
- direct e-mail
- Although this medium has been beaten to death as an effective outbound sales tactic, most e-mail marketers still experience decent results when they are using a legitimate opt in mail list. The most productive list will come from your own website visitor registrations or list providers with whom you have a close and successful relationship.
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